Reentry Resources

In reopening schools, opportunities exist to reimagine the purpose and value of each assessment we deliver. An assessment is not worth our time or investment if the data collected does not provide a way forward. Consider assessments that are beyond diagonstics, but instead those that curriculum-centered. Make a plan for using the information you'll gather ahead delivering the assessment.

This document provides sample questionnaires across grade bands that are designed to provisionally identify students as English learners (ELs) during the COVID-19-related school closures, which impede the administration of face-toface screening protocols.

Formative assessment can be used to improve learning for all students, but is particularly important for students with disabilities. The purpose of this Brief is to describe the use of formative assessment with students with disabilities during distance learning.

Progress monitoring of IEP goals is critical, as IEP meetings are still convening and the data that can be collected will inform progress and instruction. However, due to distance learning, providing high-quality, evidence-based progress monitoring and reports can be difficult. Marshall Street’s Guide for Virtual Progress Monitoring offers several practical ideas for ensuring the completion and validity of progress monitoring data collected virtually.